26. Mar 2025
27. Mar 2025


Bergen, Germany

Discover the less frequented areas of the island of Rügen on Shanks' pony. Walks along the chalk coast, through the Bodden and hilly ...

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From the market, you can reach the Rugard Tower in a few minutes in a north-easterly direction. At this location, 90 metres above sea level ...

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Petri Heil! Angeln auf der Insel Rügen.

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Klosterhof und Stadtmuseum
Klosterhof und Stadtmuseum

Im Zentrum der Stadt gelegen, gibt der Klosterhof Einblicke in längst vergangene Zeiten.

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Boat tours
Boat tours

Let the Baltic Sea air blow around your nose and sail through the "Prorer Wiek" to the legendary Königsstuhl, the landmark of ...

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Bike rental
Bike rental

Discover Rügen on secluded and near-natural bike lanes

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Waldbühne Rügen
Waldbühne Rügen

OPEN AIR- Konzerte, Shows und Events

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Rasender Roland
Rasender Roland

The historical narrow-gauge railway with a width of 750 mm is steaming with 30 km/h for over 120 years now.

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Hiddensee island
Hiddensee island

Visit the small car-free island of Hiddensee, ramble across the moorlands, cycle through the small hamlets or enjoy the coastal landscape. Crossings ...

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Tree top walk in the Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen
Tree top walk in the Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen

With a length of 1250 m (incl. ramp in the tower) and a height of 4 - 17 m, the tree top walk meanders through the cowns of a beech forest, past ...

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Excursions in a minibus with tour guide
Excursions in a minibus with tour guide

If you wish to discover the island of Rügen in company, we recommend that you choose from the range of guided excursions in a minibus with ...

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Experience the island in an iconic Hanomag-group vehicle, a special production for the german riot police and border control during the sixties.

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AHOI! Rügen
AHOI! Rügen

AHOI! Rügen the water park in Sellin offers fun for the whole family all year round. Especially the saunas are inviting during winter.

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Bergen - Heart of the island
Bergen - Heart of the island

Bergen is the capital of the island. The 13 600 citizens live on an area of 50 km², which is divided into 18 districts. Fitting for its central ...

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Cape Arkona
Cape Arkona

Cape Arkona is 45 m above the Baltic Sea on the north eastern most top o the headland. But the cliff made out of chalk isn't the most fascinating ...

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Documentation Centre Prora "KdF-Seebad Prora"
Documentation Centre Prora "KdF-Seebad Prora"

In the planned "KdF-Seebad Rügen", known as "Colossus of Rügen" is the documentation centre Prora.

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Putbus was founded 1810 by Prince Malte of Putbus as youngest residence town in the North with Italian flair and is also called "white town" ...

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Island Vilm
Island Vilm

The island belongs as part of the biosphere reserve to the city of Putbus. A special sight are the 1000 year old oaks, that grow there without ...

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Sandskulpturen Rügen
Sandskulpturen Rügen

Betreten Sie eine zauberhafte Welt aus Pflanzen und Sand!

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Vogelpark Marlow
Vogelpark Marlow

Im Vogelpark Marlow können die Besucher nicht nur verschiedene Vögel aus aller Welt bewundern, sondern auch Kängurus aus Australien ...

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Rügen Park Gingst
Rügen Park Gingst

Rügens Freizeit- und Minitaurenpark

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Ummanz Island
Ummanz Island

The little sister of Rügen.

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Zicker Mountains
Zicker Mountains

The barely forested Zicker Mountains nature reserve is part of the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve.

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Flintstone Fields
Flintstone Fields

Rügen's flint fields: The German Stonehenge

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Pirate Island
Pirate Island

Explorers are always welcome here: The Pirate Island Rügen invites you to exciting adventures.

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Karls Strawberry Farmyard
Karls Strawberry Farmyard

Karls Erdbeerhof is a rustic adventure village with a jam factory and farm shop in Zirkow on the island of Rügen.

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Störtebeker festival
Störtebeker festival

In summer time a visit to the "Störtebeker Festspiele“ in Ralswiek is a must. On the stunning natural stage you will experience ...

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Erlebniswelt Rugard
Erlebniswelt Rugard

Genießen Sie Sport, Spaß und Natur - Rodeln zu jeder Jahreszeit, Rutschen, GoKart, Minigolf, Freilichtbühne und Denkmäler.

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Hunting château Granitz
Hunting château Granitz

Want to see Rügen in an individual way?

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You can combine a fantastic underwater journey with 45 aquaria from the northern seas, as well as visitors' exhibitions at the Ozeaneum Stralsund ...

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Königsstuhl National Park Centre
Königsstuhl National Park Centre

The Königsstuhl National Park Centre with the Königsstuhl viewing platform and visitors' exhibition is a year-round experience.   ...

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