28. Mar 2025
29. Mar 2025


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  2. Sustainability

Our mission statement

We, the Parkhotel Rügen, contribute to a future worth living with our conviction and our ideas. We want to leave the next generation a world in which they can live well and without fear. 

For us, quality, sustainability and economic efficiency must go hand in hand. We believe in a future in which it is possible for us to source more products regionally, seasonally or at least climate-neutrally.

We want to inspire our guests and make the world a little better.

Our mission statement

What is it about?

We want to go our way towards a more sustainable hotel honestly and transparently. Not every idea and every thought suits us, but we want to actively implement what is possible. We want our employees to think, shape and be creative at their workplace. 

Sustainability is an ongoing process that requires constant adjustment and control. It involves a change of mindset among our staff and acceptance among our guests. We want to work on this and become a little better every day.

We are happy to share our knowledge, our tops and also our flops with interested partners.

What is it about?


100% of our electricity comes from renewable sources. We use energy-efficient LED lights throughout the hotel. The windows are double glazed.

We have 2 charging boxes for e-cars and provide bicycle parking and charging. With the help of the energy optimisation system and comprehensive monitoring, we prepare key figures of consumption for water, waste water and energy.   

Our hotel rooms have a mini-fridge, which is switched on and off by a toggle switch, depending on occupancy.

The sauna is operated according to a similar principle - if there are no guests, the sauna stays off.


The Green Thumb

In cooperation with the Rügen Tourist Board, we are participating in the campaign "Auf Rügen blüht dir was". In May 2023, a seed will be sown on an area of 40 m² behind the hotel, which will ideally become a lush flowering meadow.  Something is blooming for you on Rügen! (tourismus-ruegen.de)

The hotel roof has already been greened since 1995, when the hotel opened.  

We are part of the #ShareHospitality project, an initiative of our partner "profitroom". For every 10th hotel booking on our own website, a tree is planted. Since we joined the campaign, 139 trees have already been planted in our name. A great result.

The Green Thumb

Sustainable Cooking

Our guests value regional products above all else. Our breakfast rolls come from baker Kruse and the steak from Natur-Landbau Zirkow, both suppliers are just around the corner. www.natur-landbau-zirkow.de

We are currently scrutinising every dish on the menu and evaluating the foods it contains in terms of climate-friendly nutrition. We will not become a vegetarian restaurant, but the animal products should be drastically reduced. We want to cook fresh, healthy and regional food.

Be as brave as we are, dear guests! Try your way through the fresh food on offer and support our idea of sustainability.

Sustainable Cooking

Training and further education

HURRA, we have won!

At the beginning of March 2023, we received the email that we had won a year-long coaching with Andreas Koch and his team from blueContec. Since then, the topic of "sustainability in the kitchen" has determined our everyday work. Many ideas have been born since then and are up for debate.

What suits us, what can we implement, how can we convince guests and staff alike? We regularly take part in workshops and seminars on the topic of "sustainability" in order to stay up to date and keep our motivation high.

Training and further education


Bedingt durch die Pandemie gab es in den Hotelzimmern zeitweise keine Zwischenreinigungen mehr. Dieses Prinzip haben wir beibehalten, wobei jetzt der Gast entscheidet, ob und wann sein Zimmer geputzt wird. Uns überrascht und erfreut es, dass dieser freiwillige Verzicht nicht abhängig von einem Mehrwert für den Gast ist und rundum akzeptiert wird. Danke dafür!   

In allen Büros wird der Papier- und Restmüll getrennt. 


Digitalisierung und papierloses Büro

Wir haben zwar noch kein „richtiges“ Dokumenten-Management-System, aber die Büroabteilungen arbeiten bereits nach dem Prinzip: „digitale Ablage, statt gedrucktes Blatt für den Ordner“.

Es erfordert nur ein kleines Umdenken und neue Organisation im Ablagesystem, dann klappt es hervorragend. Unser Papierverbrauch hat sich in den vergangenen 18 Monaten drastisch reduziert. 

In unseren Hotelzimmern stehen moderne Tablets, welche die Gästemappen ersetzen. Auch hier sparen wir enorm Papier ein, da jede Aktualisierung nun online und nicht schriftlich erfolgt.

Digitalisierung und papierloses Büro

Soziale Projekte

Seit Bestehen des Parkhotel Rügen engagieren wir uns für soziale Projekte auf der Insel Rügen.

In den letzten zwei Jahren haben wir die Kinder-Weihnachtsfeier von „Die Tafel“ ausgerichtet und für strahlende Augen gesorgt. Seit 1995 kümmern wir uns um das leibliche Wohl der Mathe-Genies des „Ernst-Moritz Arndt“ Gymnasiums zur jährlichen Mathe-Olympiade.

Eingebunden in die Aktionen der Rügener Soroptimisten mit dem „Adventskalender“ und des Rotary Clubs mit den „Benefiz-Golfturnieren“ wurden bereits viele Projekte auf der Insel unterstützt.

Soziale Projekte


Let yourself be pampered

There is a wide range of offers to choose from for a holiday on the island of Rügen!

Small breaks from everyday life with delicious food, exciting discoveries and active relaxation.

Family Time at the Baltic Sea
Family Time at the Baltic Sea
3 nights including breakfast, dinner, and drinks. Relax with a visit to the swimming pool. Also visit the Königsstuhl National Park Center and the spectacular Skywalk.
from 97,00 /pers./night
E-Biking on Rügen
E-Biking on Rügen
The Parkhotel Rügen is the perfect starting point for your e-bike adventures! Thanks to our central location, you can easily reach the most beautiful corners of the island.
from 75,00 /pers./night
Up high on Rügen - visit the treetop walk
Up high on Rügen - visit the treetop walk
Experience the island from a whole new perspective!
from 83,80 /pers./night
Herring, flounder and more
Herring, flounder and more
Discover the northern seas in the Ozeaneum Stralsund!
from 73,00 /pers./night
Time out on Rügen
Time out on Rügen
The white gold of Rügen: heal chalk - more than healthy!
from 106,00 /pers./night
My Rügen vacation
My Rügen vacation
Look forward to an island vacation including half board.
from 82,71 /pers./night
Sun for the soul
Sun for the soul
Take a time out from everyday life!
from 64,50 /pers./night
Time for two
Time for two
Romantic days at the Baltic Sea!
from 74,50 /pers./night
Girls Trip
Girls Trip
A wellness weekend is the perfect idea to have a good time together and completely switch off from everyday life.
from 94,50 /pers./night
New Years Eve Fun
New Years Eve Fun
Spend the turn of the year at the Baltic Sea
from 153,00 /pers./night
Standard offer
Standard offer
Best-Price-Guarantee for online bookings! Possibility of free cancellation.
from 43,60 /pers./night
Flexible offer with direct payment discount
Flexible offer with direct payment discount
An ideal offer for guests who like discounts.
from 39,60 /pers./night